
Ann Thornfield-Long


Is high magic
the irresistible
pull of my lips
toward yours,
whose destiny
is gravid. Fight
it, stand off,
it is a grave
situation. Rain
always comes
down. Water,
sky’s liquid
anchor, keeps us
grounded, bound
by our yin-yang,
a perfect puzzle
piece in a drop:
one mass
the other.


Ann Thornfield-Long, a co-author of Tennessee Women of Vision and Courage (edited by Crawford and Smiley, 2013), has poetry appearing in Artemis Journal, Riddled with Arrows, Silver BladeAbyss & Apex, The Tennessee Magazine, Wordgathering, Liquid Imagination and other publications. She won the Patricia Boatner Fiction Award (Tennessee Mountain Writers, 2017) for her novel excerpt “The Crying Room” and was a finalist for her fiction in the 2017 Chattanooga Writers’ Guild Spring Contest. She was nominated for the Pushcart, Best of the Net and Rhysling awards, and awarded a 2017 Weymouth residency. She edited and published a weekly newspaper for six years. She’s a retired nurse and medical first responder.

Editor’s Notes: I’m a sucker for love poems. I am reminded of Einstein and black holes, and something he said—“gravity cannot be held responsible for people falling in love.” The image of a possible wormhole in our galaxy, together with a bunch of hearts that inexorably are drawn by gravity—that distortion of space-time, complements the poem (

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