Time and Again

Greg Schwartz

Time and Again

first date
the time traveler takes her
to Sumer

slanted moon
the time traveler appears
at a witch trial

perigean tide
the time traveler returns
to a different wife


Greg Schwartz writes short speculative fiction and poetry. Other than Abyss & Apex, some of his poems have appeared in Talebones, Star*Line, Space & Time, and The Shantytown Anomaly. He was fortunate to win the Dwarf Stars Award in 2015 and have a chapbook of short horror poems published by Spec House of Poetry in 2007.

Author’s Backstory: These verses were originally written as three separate haiku. “slanted moon” went through several iterations to find the right word choice, but the other two didn’t evolve much from how they started. All three conform to the common short-long-short haiku pattern, with a fragment followed by a phrase. I thought they worked better without any punctuation.

Editor’s Note: When I asked why Sumer, the author said it was chosen for its rhythm and flow; note that Sumer is arguably the first place of civilization, which adds another layer to the poem!

Image Credit: Nebulous clock image with a lady [wallpaperflare.com] is cropped and enhanced with a surreal image of a woman [pngkey.com] and a sexy witch [pngegg.com]

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One Response to Time and Again

  1. This is excellent!

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