What is it you really want?
All of the stories in this issue deal with confronting deep desires. Each asks a simple question at its core: What is it the character really wants?
Does the victim of an injustice really want to know why things happen? Or would the character in “Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Four Days” be better off not knowing?
“Interfaith” brings up a really age-old question: Will you really be comfortable if your child makes up her own mind about her religion?
The protagonist in “New Spectacles” certainly is not sure he wants the weight looking past our masks of knowing how people really feel.
What might make the immortal in “Ageless” want to continue to live?
Does the young man who hired a consultant to banish “The Ghosts of Los Hellas” really want to know how to remove them?
The flash tale “Goddess” asks, “If confronted with the opportunity to have a goddess, would you take her up on it?”
Or consider the strange tale of someone getting exactly what they wanted – fifteen minutes of fame – regarding “Small Change.”
We hope you enjoy these forays into uncharted territories of the heart.
-Wendy S. Delmater, Managing Editor
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Copyrighted by the author unless otherwise noted.
Art Director: Bonnie Brunish